Friday, October 28, 2011

Elements of Design: Point

The point is the simplest element of design. It is a coordinate without any dimension or area. It may serve as a focal pointof a visual, highlighting or drawing attention to important information.

If there are two or more points, they start interacting with each other. They imply a structure. For example, if there are 2 points, immediately the eye will make a connection and "see" a line. If there are three points, one can’t help but interpret them as a triangle; the brain provides these connections. This compulsion to connect parts is described as grouping, or gestalt.

Points at different locations in space and shape and everything is changing will cause people of different visual experience. Depending on their placement/arrangement, they can produce sense of expansion, instablity, direction, vertical stretch, rhythm, etc.

The point has some of the characteristics. In designing apparel, appropriate use of point may feature a rich change. The point maybe in creative location, varied number(s), arrangement, form, colour and texture of a feature, to produce unexpected artistic effect (examples in the images above). Buttons in clothing, fabric dot patterns, decorations, accessories can be perceived as a point, however small or large they may be.

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